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Magic Base Booking Pro Software CD-ROM

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Product Description

This is booking software!

Three steps of this Software:

The first step in performing a magic show is to GET THE SHOW. MagicBase can help you to track upcoming events of prospects that you'd like to work for. Then, MB can type and address that prospecting letter to get sent out at the most strategic time for that prospect.

Continuous and consistent contact with customers and prospects is a key to marketing success. Owning MagicBase is like having your own salesman who keeps in constant contact with customers through targeted newsletters.

This virtual salesman will effortlessy analyze your customer list and tell you who your Top 100 customers are and then keep them as a separate newsletter list for unique mailings.

This virtual salesman can also help you to analyze your customer records to determine where your referrals are coming from. This is valuable marketing information that helps you to focus on your most successful marketing strategies.

This Software does all this in Step 1:

*Helps you to get the shows.
*Maintains regular contact with your customers.
*Tracks where your show referrals are coming from.
*Sends out personalized marketing letters to prospects.
*Divides your customer mailing list into Targeted Newsletter lists.
*Sorts Tracks, and sends Special mailings to your Top 100 Money Makers.
*Creates multiple focused marketing reports detailing vauable customer information.

The next step is to KEEP THE SHOW records, customer contacts, dates, time, places, financial information and many other details. MagicBase can help you to effortlessly record and file every piece of information you need, so that you can find it again.

Maintaining good records is a key part to effortless and effective marketing. Some of your best future customers will be some of your current customers. Knowing what you did for them, when, and for how much is valuable information that can help you to get hired again.

This virtual secretary can easily manage any number of events for any number of customers. She can also print out 17 different detailed marketing and financial reports.

The MagicBase virtual secretary can also remind you of the next action to be taken with a client: if you still need to send a contract, or give a call, or more.

And with one button press, the MagicBase virtual secretary can print out every piece of paper you need when you book a new client: customer contact card, contract, Thankyou notes, Referral Forms, and envelopes.

This Software does all this in Step 2:

*Helps you to keep the shows.
*Reminds you of upcoming shows.
*Automaticaly tracks repeating gigs.
*Easily manages muitiple events per customer.
*Accurately calculates show totals, including milage fees.
*Vigilantly reminds you of next action to be taken with a customer.
*Effortlessly types detailed income and marketing reports of any customers.
*Types customer data cards, contacts, envelpes, referrals, and thank you cards.
*Performs customized sorts and searches of your customer records and event details.

The final step is to DO THE SHOW. MagicBase can help you to plan, prepare and pack your show. You can perform with confidence knowing that:

* You're not repeating routines you've done previously for them.
* You've planned a show that contains a variety of different Effect Types.
* You've remembered every prop and have it set.

You can know all of this because your MagicBase Stagehand has kept track of it all for you. He maintains a list of every trick you own, where you got it from, how much you paid for it, and what category of Trick Type it fits into.

So planning a show is simply a matter of clicking and choosing. Your virtual Stagehand can also total up the approximate length of your planned show.

Magicbase will also maintain a permanent record of every show you've done for this customer in the past.

The result of all this is: More Applause because you've planned the best show you can for this customer! MagicBase Stagehand helps you to DO THE SHOW!

This Software does all this in Step 3:

*Helps you do the shows.
*Maintains a list of every trick you own.
*Totals the price of all tricks you've purchased.
*Prints up a packing list of all props need for a show.
*Warns you if a show isn't planned yet for an upcoming event.
*Helps you to plan your show and avoid simlar effects in a show.
*Records where you bought or learned a trick from and how much it cost.
*Maintains a permanent record of past shows and tricks performed for every

This is a hybrid disc that contains MagicBase software for Windows, Mac OS X, and Mac OS9. It also contains the User Guide, the Tutuorials, the Quick Tour document, and the Quick Tour videos.

Here's what others have said about MagicBase:

"It was an answer to my prayers!"
Jamahl Keyes

"I love your software. It is by far the best performer / event software on the market. You have perfected what I have been unable to do with my own files."
Paul Belanger, Baltimore, MD

"I think this software is invaluable to the working performer. This software alone can elevate you to the level of a professional performer, at least in terms of marketing."
Eric Myers, The Magic Cafe site

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